Festive Skincare Tips

The season of over-indulgence is almost upon us. In some quarters it’s already started. Whilst I know that Christmas is definitely a time to loosen the belt, kick back and take a much deserved break from work and your usual humdrum routine, I also have first hand experience of what happens when you fall of the horse completely. Put some work in now to organise your skincare and boundaries, so that your future self will thank you.

Cut down on sugar

Calorific sugary food and alcohol is aplenty this period and can result in skin complaints such as breakouts or excessively greasy skin for some people. If you’re particularly prone, keep an eye on your diet to make sure it’s as balanced as can be. Sugar is like the devil for skin and causes collagen to harden and become brittle. Over time this leads to an increase in fine lines and wrinkles as the internal collagen scaffold breaks.

Increase your water intake

Stay hydrated, especially if you’re drinking. Because alcohol is a duretic and encourages water loss, my rule is two glasses of water to every alcoholic drink because one will immediately go down the toilet and the second has more chance of actually staying in your body for a useful purpose. Drinking your greens will also help the body to detoxify the liver to give your skin more vitality and radiance.

Stay on top of cleansing

Christmas parties are fun, but that often means wearing more make up and many late nights. It goes without saying that removing your make up before you head hits the pillow is crucial. One night of crashing out in your make up won’t kill you, but do it repeatedly and your skin will bite back. To keep things simple, stick to just washing and cleansing in the evening. Set your products out on the bathroom sink in the morning so you don’t even have to think or make what would seem like hard choices at 2am. Using an oil cleanser will make easy work of removing your make up.

When we hit the days where no-one knows the day, tasks like washing make up brushes/sponges, going through your skincare cabinet and make up bag to bin expired products, washing wigs and wig caps are all activities that will help you make a smooth beauty transition to the new year.

Get some shut eye

Sleep! Good quality rest is important for your body to function at its optimum and it’s during sleep that the skin does a lot of regeneration and repair so make sure you put some boundaries around your precious sleep time.

When it comes to your hair, keep your hair bonnet or scarf on your bedside table or under your pillow so it’s easy to find it and put it on before bed. Better yet, invest in a silk pillow to protect delicate Afro hair.

Move your body

It’s tempting to spend chilly Christmas days netflixing and chilling with a box of chocolate, but including some exercise and movement into your schedule will do your body, mood and skin a world of good. Simple activities like a brisk walk in fresh air or a few laps in your local pool are easy will get oxygen pumping around your body, get your heart rate up, remove toxins and boost your skin’s natural glow. Don’t forget to lock moisture into your skin using a simple facial oil and apply sunscreen whilst out and about.


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