Body Beautiful

There was a time when skin below the neck was an afterthought, but over the last few years, the noise around body skincare has steadily increased. We know you want more than an off-the-shelf moisturiser, you want targeted skincare to treat specific concerns such as dryness and rough texture to body breakouts. On Black skin, it’s no longer sufficient for bodycare to only provide basic moisturise and skincare brands are working hard to keep up. We’ve rounded up the best new age bodycare.

Acne and Breakouts

Spots and pimples on the body can be triggered by anything from hormones and diet to the use of aggressive products that damage the skin barrier. Even staying in sweaty gym clothes for too long can cause body acne. It’s important to include key ingredients such as lactic acid, salicylic acid, zinc which treat and calm inflammation. Even pre and postbiotics are important to keep the delicate skin microbiome balanced.

Mature Skin

All skin will age, whether it’s on the face or the body so you need stimulating ingredients like retinoids to kickstart collagen which is the scaffolding that holds up the skin, keeping it plump and firm. Ageing skin can also experience sluggishness, loss of firmness and sensitivity so you want to include hydrating and nourishing ingredients such as hyaluronic acid and niacinamide.

Rough Textured

Black skin can be prone to increased dryness and this can lead to dry and and bumpy skin called Keratosis Pilaris. This can be a pain to get rid off, but with diligent body care you can reduce its appearance greatly. Look out for exfoliants like glycolic acid and salicylic acid. Also key is to use moisturising ingredients like ceramides and squalene.

Dull and Lacklustre

Lack of hydration, can quickly make Black skin look dry, dull and grey. This calls for intensive moisture starting in the shower using lukewarm water. Anything hotter strips the skin of necessary oils which help it to stay moisturised and radiant. Glycerin, squalane, botanical oils and plant butters like mango and cocoa butter are key to keeping the skin barrier healthy and your glow on lock.


When your skincare barrier isn’t functioning well, your skin can easily become fragile and inflamed leading to conditions such as excessive dryness, dermatitis and eczema. Repairng and calming the skin barrier should be top of your agenda.

Hyperpigmentation and Discolouration

Overproduction of melanin is the chief driver of hyperpigmentation and this can be more pronounced on Black skin. Excess melanin is caused by a number of factors - sun damage, ageing, injury and natural hormonal changes. The fastest route to treatment is with exfoliating acids. Think Lactic Acid and Azelaic Acid in combination with retinoids, niacinamide and Vitamin C to boost brightness.


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